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Saturation: It’s Not Just for Breakfast

June 11, 2009

Good post by Mike over at Musings, on the dangers of saturation advertising, and advertising in general.

…the most scarce resource we deal with is attention. Since the attention span is shrinking dramatically and since there is much more competition for that scarce resource, advertisers are taking a more brute force approach … The question is, how can an organization effectively communicate its message without alienating the population? That’s a question worth answering.

Indeed.  After a while, you remember that you dislike the commercial, and any value that the advertiser had disappears down the memory hole.  Worse, you get a reaction like Mike’s, which is to do the opposite of what’s desired.

Advertisers need to better understand how people think.  As far as I can tell, the thinking stopped after the graduation, and it goes to rote.  Are there really any decent thinkers out there, trying to get attention in more subtle ways?

All that said, watch how much you click in the future on a blog link based on the catchy title.  We’re all professionals. 🙂

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Lynn Comp permalink
    June 11, 2009 10:05 pm

    well, there’s an interesting article about the Huffington Post & the combination of unusual authors commenting on politics (lots of Hollywood actors known for their rapier wit when not reading someone else’s script) and the fashion/soft porn kind of flash that is apparently driving a lot of daily traffic. Eventually their readers will numb even to that. In the case of Roman theatrics, it ultimately got fairly nasty because there was so little shock value left that got anyone’s attention. Will look up the link….

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